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Tag: nutrition

Feeling SAD?

SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder, can be a serious matter. Do you notice mood swings, changes in appetite and sleep patterns? If you are someone with SAD, there is hope!

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What’s the deal with Genetically Modified Organisms?

Genetically modified organisms are a rising issue throughout the world. The ongoing debate for those that argue that GMOs are safe and the answer to world hunger, vs. those that argue that genetically modified food is “frankenfood” and bad for our health. So what is the truth?

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Pre-workout “Fudge”

If you need a little something before a workout here’s a tasty and easy to make pre-workout “fudge” you can make and enjoy 15-30 minutes before hitting the gym.

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Chocolate Recovery Smoothie

What you eat after a workout can make a huge difference in how you feel and can increase your performance dramatically. Ideally, after working out you want to have a mixture of carbs and protein – you’ll love this chocolate recovery smoothie!

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