The Top 5 Summer Personal Training Trends

New trends in personal training keep popping up every year. What once was a small niche has grown into a $20 billion industry. And as the industry continues to grow, trainers will need to continue to adapt their services to meet the demand of their clients. Personal training is not just about giving someone a brief workout and sending them on their way. It’s also about helping someone achieve their goals and providing guidance along the way. The top personal trainers go above and beyond for their clients. They provide accountability, motivation, friendly competition, and more than anything else – trust. Here are some of the most popular summer trends among personal trainers in Vancouver:

Fit Camps

Fit camps are growing in popularity as one of the most unique summer trends in personal training. These camps range anywhere from one day to a week and focus on a wide range of topics. Some fit camps are dedicated to weight loss while others aim to improve performance. Fit camps can also be tailored to fit your specific needs. If you are a business owner in Vancouver who wants to focus on improving your fitness, there are fitness camps that can help you achieve that. Some fitness camps even include nutrition classes. You will break a sweat, learn new skills, and meet new people who are also trying to reach their fitness goals. Fit camps are typically more expensive, but they also offer more value and a more hands-on experience than one-on-one training. If you have ever wanted to try out different types of fitness but don’t have anyone to go with, a fit camp can be the perfect solution.

Group Fitness Classes

Group fitness classes have been around for quite a while, but they are still one of the most common summer trends for Vancouver personal training. A certified instructor usually leads group fitness classes. Classes can range anywhere from barre and yoga to Zumba and indoor cycling. And if you’re not a fan of group fitness, personal trainers can tailor a workout just for you. Group fitness classes are a great way to get motivated and meet new people. Many group fitness classes are open to all levels so it’s a great way to try something new even if you’re a beginner. It’s also beneficial because the instructor will guide you through each move and help you modify it if needed. Vancouver’s top personal training offers many group fitness classes throughout the city, so finding one that works for you should not be a problem.

Outdoor Training

As Vancouver continues to grow, more and more people are becoming indoor rats – staying indoors for almost their entire day. Outdoor training is one of the most unique summer trends for personal training. Outdoor training is usually more intense than indoor training. It’s great for those who crave sunshine, fresh air, and a more social environment. Outdoor training usually takes place in a park or other outdoor area. Some outdoor trainers may have fitness equipment with them, but others may not. It really depends on the trainer. If you’re looking for outdoor training in Vancouver, keep an eye out for events hosted by outdoor trainers. Many outdoor trainers host outdoor events throughout the year. Outdoor training is a great way to break out of a fitness rut. You’ll enjoy nature while getting a great workout and possibly make new friends along the way.

Vinyasa Yoga and More Breathing Practices

Vinyasa yoga is a common summer trend for personal training, but it also has staying power year-round. This yoga style uses a combination of breathing, stretching, and poses. Vinyasa yoga is a great way to improve flexibility, strength, and cardiovascular health. Other popular types of yoga include Hatha, Iyengar, and Restorative Yoga. If you are a beginner, find a beginner class or instructor to help ease you into it. Vancouver’s top personal trainers offer many different types of yoga classes throughout the city. Yoga is a fantastic way to relax and unwind after a long day at work or school. And it is a great way to meet like-minded people.

Strength-Based Fitness

Strength-Based Fitness is one of the most popular summer trends in personal training. It is a type of fitness training that focuses on exercises that strengthen and build your muscles, such as lifting weights. Strength-Based Fitness is a great way to improve your health and increase confidence. It’s also a great way to meet like-minded people and stay accountable for your health. Strength-Based Fitness usually includes lifting weights, core training, and HIIT. And don’t let the word weights scare you. Vancouver’s top personal trainers offer a variety of strength-based fitness classes and training options. If you have ever wanted to try strength-based fitness but have no idea where to begin, a top personal trainer is a great place to start. They will be able to ease you into the training and provide the guidance you need to reach your fitness goals.

Work With the Top Personal Training Team in Vancouver!

The summer is a great time to focus on your health and fitness goals. If you are looking for a way to improve your fitness and reach your health goals, consider trying one of these trends. And remember, Vancouver personal training can help to motivate you and keep you accountable. A personal trainer can help you create a great fitness plan that meets your needs. We can help at Le Physique.

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